Saturday, 31 August 2013

Cover Reveal: Igniting

Along with the cover reveal for Igniting (The Dark Origins), I'm also putting the first few chapters up on Wattpad over the coming weeks, so be sure to check them out.  (The first one will be up before noon today).

Cover design by

Gracehas finally escaped her past of foster homes and mall-cop jail cells.  What she hasn’t escaped is her deadly temper, if she loses control black flames lash from her at high velocity, causing fires that can’t be put out by anything but time.When a boy named Noah drags her through a magic portal after getting attacked she realizes she isn’t the only one out there with bizarre powers.  But can she really trust someone with her biggest secret?

I'm still deciding the exact day to release Igniting, but I know it will be sometime in October.  For the latest news on The Dark Origins just visit my website, and you can also find out when the sales are ;)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Discover: Shimmering

The cover reveal for Igniting isn't too far away, and the release date will really sneak up on me, I'm sure.  So to celebrate, I'm going to be posting chapters of Shimmering, the sister novel to Igniting, on Wattpad!  Every Wednesday I'll add another chapter to the five that are already on there.

Cover design by

For those that missed it, that means that every week there will be chapters added to two different stories that are free!  Shimmering will be update Wednesdays, and every Sunday you can read another instalment of my YA horror WIP, Ithinara.

Sunday, 25 August 2013


Whenever I work on something I'm not sure about, I don't talk about it a lot.  I might mention it in passing as a "current WIP" or whatever, but I don't go into detail because I'm just not sure if I'll finish it.  Or if it's even a good idea, etc.  Since I've put my stuff on Wattpad, I thought I would try putting up unfinished work there, maybe doing a chapter a week or something.  So I'll test it out with Ithinara, my current YA horror (that's a temporary category, because I'm not sure if it'll stay in that section).

Photo copyright Shmeljov

Willa Queen had gotten used to her life in Hollow’s Point, where she’d go to school, volunteer at the animal shelter, and play volleyball for the Wayward Tigers.  She thinks her life is pretty normal, considering she’s been possessed by a demon for fourteen years. Ithinara has never made as big a deal out of anyone as she has the Steele family.  She wants Willa to stay away from them, claiming they’re dangerous.  Willa believes Ithinara, because this wouldn’t be the first time the demon has protected her. But Willa becomes torn between the life she’s used to and the life she could have.  Getting close to Cain and the Steele’s might be what finally lets Ithinara take over for good, or it could be exactly what sets Willa free.

I'll be posting chapters on it weekly over the next few weeks, so check it out!

Ithinara was my first attempt at writing in present tense, and I found I really liked it.  I was hesitant because I don't like to read in present tense, so I thought I might not like it.  It was hard to get used to at first, but the further I got in the story the more I enjoyed it!  A nice little reminder that as a writer you should always try moving out of your comfort zone.

PS: On August 31 I'll post the cover reveal for Igniting!

Saturday, 24 August 2013


After I got my new computer I decided to break down and buy Scrivener, a writing software that I'd been reading about on a few author blogs and seeing it supported Camp NaNoWriMo this year.  The words "revolutionary" and "awesome" seemed to be thrown around quite a bit.  And I have to admit, so far it seems to have earned that hype!

I'm really loving the layout of it all, and being able to export a document into whatever format I want?  Very, very awesome.  I'm still new at it, and trying to find all of it's little features and abilities (going from ten notebooks to just the computer is hard, okay?), but I would say it was money well spent :)

I look forward to figuring out how to use it properly, but it's made editing Igniting way easier than if I just used a word document.  Like, WAY easier to edit.

On a personal note, I realized the other day that I haven't been to a bookstore in almost TWO MONTHS.  That is how busy I've been!  I think I need to make a trip today.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Shimmering is on sale!

July and August have been rather busy months for me, but I've managed to build myself a website and finish Igniting along with getting new covers for The Dark Origins trilogy!  In my last post I showed the new cover for Shimmering, which is now half off until I release Igniting later this year.

My pen name Kayley Stark's work is also available at various retailers for $0.99 and was released August 15.  It might take a few more days before it's at every retailer, but if you preordered it I hope you enjoy! ;)

In other news, the cover for Igniting will be revealed at the end of this month, so be on the look out for that!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Dark Origins

I guess now is as good a time as any to début how Shimmering is going to be part of a trilogy. I'm adding a new page for the series, which is called The Dark Origins.
The sister novels are Igniting and Phasing.
And here is the series line...
Read the stories of three girls as they discover who they are, where they come from, and where they're going.  Each book is the tale of one girl, their life, and how different events lead them to the same place at the same time.
Though it is a series of novels, they can be read in any order.
I recently had the covers made up, so here's the new cover for Shimmering!

And soon the cover for Igniting will also be revealed :)