So with the release of Astral Bodies coming up (part one will be available on Smashwords and Kindle in February and hopefully make it to retailers quickly), I thought I'd try something with it.
Every month a new part of Astral Bodies will be released, and with it you'll have a chance to win one of my other books in eBook form! :D
Here's how it'll work:
1. I post new part.
2. You read said part.
3. You comment on my Facebook, blog, or even send me a tweet about what you liked/disliked about this part. It could be a full review, or simply a "LOVED/HATED IT!" comment
by the time the next part is released. There's a full month for you to comment!
4. One winner will get to win one of my books in eBook form through Smashwords!
*Please note that the winners will be random picks, and that when you get the eBook it will be through
Smashwords coupon (meaning you
need a Smashwords account, which is free). When you download the book you can then put it onto whatever eReader you use.
*Another note: I will need an email address to contact you at; if you do not wish to disclose your email we can do a private message on twitter/facebook :)
So get ready this March!
Astral Bodies will be released on the LAST Thursday of each month. Here are the dates for the first four parts:
Part One - February 27, 2014
Part Two - March 27, 2014
Part Three - April 24, 2014
Part Four - May 29, 2014