Sunday, 29 June 2014

Are you ready for Camp NaNoWriMo?

Because I sure am!  Glenbrook is well on it's way to getting done, and even though I won't have it published by my anniversary (July 11), it'll at least be done for a release this year.  I can't believe June is already coming to a close...what the heck happened?  I'm never going to make my reading goal at this pace >_<

Astral Bodies 5 was released earlier this week and is already on all retailers.  The next two parts will each be $0.99, making the total for the book $3.99.  Upcoming dates are...

July 31 - Part 6
August 28 - Part 7 (the final part!)

I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I did rewriting it.  Astral Bodies actually started off as my attempt to write a mystery without a supernatural element, and after about 40K words I decided that I didn't like things without a supernatural element.  It was very boring.  So, I changed almost everything.  The only thing that stayed was the fact it opened in a hotel lol.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

July Camp NaNoWriMo 2014

There's only two more weeks until Camp NaNoWriMo 2014, and I'm not sure what I should work on!  This is the problem you get when you have too much on the go.  I need to find a way to make my brain slow down and focus on one single project at a time...

I'll most likely work on Glenbrook, because it kind of stalled a bit while I focused on finishing up Astral Bodies (Part five is out soon by the way!).  I only need about 25K more words until I've reached my word count goal, so that'll be my NaNoWriMo goal! :D  I'm excited for you guys to find out more about Shadeland, and what happens between Liv and Jared.  You can actually start reading the first draft of it on Wattpad!

As for publishing updates, part four of Astral Bodies came out!  Find out what Tess saw that will define the future of the case, and learn what a family member has been hiding for her for some time now.
Part five of Astral Bodies will be out the end of June, and is going to be a free instalment :)

I can't believe how quickly this serial novel is coming out; I feel like I just started publishing it and it's almost time for the end!  I've really enjoyed putting it out in this format though, and I think I'll be doing it again, although I might try to shorten the timespan.  Maybe every two weeks or so?  I'll figure it out once I actually start book 2.