Saturday 24 August 2013


After I got my new computer I decided to break down and buy Scrivener, a writing software that I'd been reading about on a few author blogs and seeing it supported Camp NaNoWriMo this year.  The words "revolutionary" and "awesome" seemed to be thrown around quite a bit.  And I have to admit, so far it seems to have earned that hype!

I'm really loving the layout of it all, and being able to export a document into whatever format I want?  Very, very awesome.  I'm still new at it, and trying to find all of it's little features and abilities (going from ten notebooks to just the computer is hard, okay?), but I would say it was money well spent :)

I look forward to figuring out how to use it properly, but it's made editing Igniting way easier than if I just used a word document.  Like, WAY easier to edit.

On a personal note, I realized the other day that I haven't been to a bookstore in almost TWO MONTHS.  That is how busy I've been!  I think I need to make a trip today.

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