Tuesday 19 September 2017

Wildlands WIP

I've started adding a story I've been working on to Wattpad, tentatively called Wildlands until I think of an actual title.  Below is the excerpt, but if you love YA fantasy and adventure, I think you might like it!  It's all very early in the process, but I've been wanting to use Wattpad more and write a serial novel for a while.

Sentenced for murdering the Prince of her kingdom, Una's not guilty plead ensures she won't be executed for her crimes, but rather banished to the Wildlands.  The place of myths, monsters, and magic.  The place Una fears she won't survive because while the Prince was killed by magic, she has none. 

Bearing the mark of a magic-user, and notoriety for crimes that are not her own, Una travels the Wildlands in hopes of proving her innocence.  All she has to do is find the real assassin, and bring them through the treacherous land where magic and mayhem rule.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

With the new year comes some changes, and I'm mainly writing this blog post to say that I'll be taking a small hiatus from social networking.  I thought I would be able to do it, but the past couple of months proved differently.  So I'll be taking a break to focus on writing and school.

Any questions can still be emailed to me at contact@dlmilesbooks.com and I'll keep my website updated should anything be published!

Happy New Year!

Monday 24 November 2014

Error in Kindle Astral Bodies 5 + NaNoWriMo

It was pointed out to me that in the kindle version of Astral Bodies 5, Chapter 25 is actually chapter 12 from part three! GAH!  Sorry for anyone that downloaded it and might have been confused, but the error has since been corrected and should be live very soon.  It was ONLY THE KINDLE version that was affected, so if you downloaded it elsewhere you're a-okay.

Now, on to NaNoWriMo!


I'm doing terribly.  Only in the sense that I've been busy with school, and started working on Phasing a bit more??  I don't even know how it's already the end of November.  I didn't get nearly as much done on Misled Souls (Astral Bodies 2) that I wanted, but hey, there's still a few more days.  I'm sure I can do SOMETHING.

And speaking of Astral Bodies!  The full version will be available soon!  December first the compilation will be available, and is currently on for preorder at select retailers :)  I'm also adding a few more chapters to Wattpad until the full version is available.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Next Crossings

So Glenbrook has been out for a few days, and I've already had people ask me about the ending!  Or better yet, what happens to Liv and Jared?  Together, not together?  I was saving this kind of post for a future date when I had more concrete plans, but I'll post it here to quell any worries people may have.

Glenbrook IS the final Ethereal Crossings.  It IS NOT the end of Liv and Jared's journey (as well as a couple other characters).  I repeat, Liv and Jared will return!  I just need a small break from them.  I have a fifth book in the works, but currently I have other projects I want to work on before focusing on that.  If you've already read the book and seen the teaser text at the end, you might know what's coming ;)  And thanks to everyone who has already read the book!  Jeez it's only been four days!!

But yes, I just thought I would post this earlier than planned for those worried about Liv and Jared.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Happy Release Day Glenbrook!

I probably should have posted this earlier, but Glenbrook is officially out!  The fourth book in The Ethereal Crossings series, ah that's so weird to say.  I hope everyone that has followed Liv this far enjoys the next adventure.  And thanks again to everyone who has bought/downloaded the books!  You're the reason I've come as far as I have as a writer!

Saturday 1 November 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014, Day 1

Today marks the start of NaNoWriMo!  I've been waiting for this for what feels like forever, because I'm so excited to get working on Misled Souls, the second novel in the Astral Bodies series!  To kick off day one I thought I would post the temporary cover (that may also turn into the official cover!).

Arrowood was a quiet city, or so Tess thought.  Until she met Adler she never thought much of murders, warlocks, or ghosts; not in real life at least.  But now that she knows what’s out there she’s more determined than ever to develop her skills and help those that can’t be helped by normal means.
With the Arrowood Vampire gone, Adler brings Tess to their next case; finding the missing bodies of Arrowood.  Over the past week dead bodies have been disappearing from graveyards and morgues, and the police believe they’re being stolen.  Adler thinks they’re breaking themselves out.
Evidence shows that a man dug himself out of his own grave, and a woman walked herself out of her own autopsy.  The undead are rising all over the city, and it’s up to Tess to figure out why.

Now, I'm off to start some writing!  You can track my progress on my NaNoWriMo page here.  I'll most likely start posting excerpts on Wattpad within the next couple of weeks as well!

Anyway, to everyone participating this year, Happy NaNoWriMo!

Saturday 25 October 2014

Halloween Sale

I'm putting Threads of Chaos to free as a Halloween sale!  A giveaway is also in the making on Goodreads, so I'll be sure to post when that's open.

Currently Threads of Chaos is only free at Smashwords, but it will soon go out to retailers.  Here are the links!

Mercy Singer died five months ago, but the doctor’s brought her back. Too bad she came back damaged; she’s started to have visions of people dying, and conversations with people that like to vanish. She thinks she's crazy, but when new kids Eve and Tristan Holmes suggest what she's seeing might be real she begins to wonder.
What if she came back for a reason?