Saturday 16 November 2013

More Glenbrook!

I've been at work on Glenbrook and haven't really had much time to update my here's another part of Glenbrook!

Liv? a voice asked.  Liv, I’m sorry.
“Luke?” I whispered.  I could feel him in my mind, just like when I’d talked to him outside the police station.  He was putting his thoughts in my head, but I wasn’t sure how.  Wasn’t he in Shadeland?
I’m in trouble, he said, bringing another onslaught of pain.  I fell to my knees, gripping the counter but failing to hold myself up.  There’s nobody else again.
“Where are you?” I asked through another groan.
Shadeland, he replied.  They need—help—it’s not—
He cut out, along with the pain.  I blinked my eyes a few times, unsure if the pain was really gone or I was just dying.  I stood on shaky legs, feeling my hands sizzling with the residual connection to Luke, to Shadeland.  A fine pink mist drifted from me and dissipated into the air.  I watched it a few moments until it stopped and I knew it was safe to return outside.
If only my hands would stop shaking.
I didn’t understand much of Luke’s message, only that he was in trouble.  The more I thought about what he said, the more I couldn’t figure out.  If he was in trouble, why would they need help?  Who was “they” exactly?
I shook my head and dried off with paper towels.  They were smooth against my skin where I imagined they would have felt scratchy.  I sighed, another reminder of my not-so-human half.

“Mom,” I whispered, “what’s going on?”

1 comment:

  1. So good I can not wait to read the book, it is going to be sooooo good!!!
